Thursday, September 9, 2010

poker Slut: poker Slut

poker Slut: poker Slut: "PokerCriminal"

poker Slut

Poker Slut: "Poker Slut"

Yes POKERSLUT, because I lost money in every game I played in while at the Beau Rivage for the Gulf Coast Poker Championship last week. The action was powerful, but the suckouts and bad calls were too! My aces were cracked (no surprise) multiple times, nut straights were beat by flushes, full houses were beat by quads, you name it and it happened! However, there was a great highlight to my trip and that was when my table hit the BAD BEAT JACKPOT! We were playing at the 2-5 table on Thursday 8/26/10 and as I mentioned, every hand (good hand) I was playing did not hold up causing me to be down early in my trip $2600.00. While sitting at the table wondering if I should quit and go play in a tournament to get away from the crazyness and contemplating getting up for a bathroom break, I decided to wait 3 more hands before getting up. (primarily because I wanted to wait until the button passed) - My next hand dealt was the usual crap 9-3 offsuit, which I folded in the under the gun position and everyone after me also folded and the small and big blinds chopped. With 2 hands to go before the button I am now the big blind and have a J-2 offsuit. The action is to call the big blind on the button after everyone folded and of course the button made a small raise (min raised) to the small blind. The small blind called the min raise and I folded my crap J-2 off, what happens next is unbelievable and crazy. Here are the hands remaining and the play that occurred.


Small Blind


9h 3c 5d

The small blind checked the set (unbelievable since the button minraised pre flop) and the button checked(normally a continuation bet). The turn was a 5c giving the small blind quads and the button a nut flush draw and a straight flush draw. The small blind checked again and so did the button. The river was a 2c giving the button a straight flush. At this point there is about 30.oo in the pot and he decides to bet 75.00. The button looks at the board and decided to go all in for 1000.00. At this point the small blind with quad 5's insta calls and they show their hands, straight flush vs quad 5's, JACKPOT! There was 60.000 in the jackpot of which was disbursed as follows:

Loser 40% of 60,000 received 24,000!
Winner 20% of the 60,000 received 12,000
The table 20% of the 60,000 received 4,800 each

This was a poker blessing in disguise that was well received by the remaining players at the table. Oh yeah, thanks to the 3 players that were not at the table the 5 of us received extra cash! Needless to say, those players were super pissed and unbelievably wanted us to give them a share! Ya right! I don't think so! If you are up to play slots and roam the casino instead of being present at the table when the bad beat is hit then that is your loss! Sucks but if I were in their situation I would have got zero from them as well. The bad thing is that I proceeded to DONATE my winnings to other cash games and tournament entries until it and my remaining bankroll was GONE! That's right, I donked off everything I made and then some in every game I played!

Next time I will be more considerate and give a couple hundred dollars a piece to those players that missed out so that the poker gods don't cast their wicked suckout spells upon me! Being a little generous in that spot would not have killed me, or any of the other players for that matter and since I was not I got what I deserved!

I am an IDIOT! LOL


Poker Crimianl